Wednesday, July 9, 2014


Thought I would re-post the AAC updates to members posted over the last three years or so whle I was President.    Maybe they will be of interest historically.   All are available on the  AAC website also.   cheerio.

G'day again, just a few things to mention.
The Victorian Championships are on at Tocumwal 25-27 February. Entry forms and contest information is available on the AAC website.
Memberships have slowed to a trickle. Keep them coming.
The 2011 revision of the CIVA rules have been issued and can be downloaded here.
Also, the ACRO scoring software has been amended in unison with the CIVA Regs, and a revised explanation of the Fairplay scoring system can be found here.
Most notable change is that Soft Zeros are history. About time the luddites say! But wait - they have been renamed Perception Zeros to better match their use. So now you can have a quiet think about Perception Zero's, Hard Zero's, and 0.0's........

Back to school, back to work, ready or not!
Membership renewals are progressing with around 90 in so far. That still leaves quite a few outstanding, so get them in ASAP please. We've fiddled with the website a bit to make it clearer when doing a renewal. The 'Pay Online' button at the bottom of the 'Membership' page takes you to a secure page for CC payment. It works, I've tested it a few times!
2011 is a WAC year, this time in Ravenna, Italy 31 August - 11 September. Ravenna is in NE Italy, about 80km south of Venice, and near the Ferrari/Alfa Romeo and Ducati heartland, for those that care! The competition will be diminished with the loss of reigning World Champion, Renaud Ecalle, and his family, late last year. A salient reminder that no matter how good your are, or think you are, shit can still happen.
For those that haven't seen it, I'm attaching a link to Renaud flying his free last year, and a diagram of the sequence. Awe inspiring stuff that breaks quite a few 'rules' of Free design. The view is from the rear of the box.
Stay safe up there.


Howdy folks, a couple of things for you this week.
National Champs Update
CD/CJ: Your committee had a teleconference last week and much discussion centred on the upcoming Championships this Easter/ANZAC day at Parkes. Preparations are continuing with Glen Percy confirmed as Chief Judge (thanks Glen), and a couple of likely candidates having pressure applied to be Contest Director.
BOX Freq: Unfortunately CASA has had a change in view of their Regs and currently want all pilots to remain on CTAF. This means that when we fly in the Box, we are required to stay on CTAF not go to a discrete 'BOX' freq. This was enforced at the 2010 NSW Champs at Temora, and was tolerable due to Temora having its own CTAF freq, not the common 126.7 as for Parkes. We hope to resolve this issue sooner rather than later.
Airplane Porn
A good article on the Sbach 342 by Steve Jones.


Victorian Champs

The first comp of 2011 is done and dusted with the Victorian Champs last weekend at Tocumwal. Celia and I RV'd down to help out and have a look. There were 1 Graduate, 5 Sportsman, 6 Intermediate and 1 Advanced pilot competing. The overall standard was high with some scores in the 80% range. Katrina and Glen Percy travelled down to crack the whip and fulfill the CJ duties, respectively. Guy Hanby was CD with Paul Andronicou and Charles Greatrex providing backup. Lee, Rhonda and the Murray Border Aeroclub were fine hosts, again. It all went smoothly with only some rain and low cloud stopping flying for a couple of hours Sunday morning. Full results may be up on the web by now, but the top spots went to Peter Cooney - Graduate (Airtourer), Ben Brazier - Sportsman (Pitts S-1S), Brad Mulcahey - Intermediate (S-1T?) and Rob Noonan - Advanced (Laser).


I've mentioned the 26th WAC previously - the website is The 7th European Aerobatic Championships are also on this year in Slovakia. Check it out at . It will be the first Advanced comp with no aircraft restrictions.
Keep the rubber side up.


 Impressions of the NZ nationals from Russell Bell who's done all his aerobatic comps in Oz, now back in the shaky isles.
Waipukurau is a great little airfield for the purpose, a nice grass strip, supportive aero club, close enough to town & accommodation to walk, nice box with big markers, friendly neighbours and not too many noise complaints. The NZ aerobatic club proved to be a congenial bunch and made me very welcome.
Practice started on Tuesday and proceeded in the usual fashion, we kept the box busy. Once competition proper began everything moved smoothly with few delays between flights, in particular the starter (Ian Young, also flying advanced) and chief judge (Marinka Hood) maintained discipline very nicely. Lots of competitors, a good turnout. The programme order ran from primary through to advanced (no unlimited this time) and I was judging for intermediate and below so this meant the familiar experience of exercising your eyeballs on the sky for a couple of hours before one's own flight.
One curiosity, the judges chairs are spaced out sideways rather than tandem fashion. We de-briefed after each flight. There's less emphasis in NZ on encouraging pilots to judge. I like the Oz practice of requiring the intermediate and above pilots to do a home-study judging course before turning up at the nats. This would need a bit of development given that NZ is based on IAC rules rather than CIVA, there's some differences; only one unknown for advanced instead of two, and the Q (called the known, even for advanced) counts in the final score; only two half-rolls are allowed by way of safeties, no loop or humpty etc. There's other differences.
Some personnel changes; at the AGM Paul Marshall stood down as club president after many years, his shoes were filled by Grant Benns (both fly advanced). And at the dinner Richard Hood announced he was stepping down as contest director, replaced by Simon Fitzgerald (who's also a judging mainstay).
Abbreviated results; Richard Hood won advanced, me second, Paul Marshall third; Ivan Krippner won intermediate, Darrell Brown second, David Cranna third; John Luff won sportsman, Cam Wilson second, Murray Rogers third, and Kylie Wakelin conquered primary uncontested. Hangar space was in short supply, only enough for the Pitts's and the two Giles as it turned out, the rest had to overnight on the grass. Very unusual I understand, usually there's no problem. Paul and Richard were kind enough to set aside a hanger spot for my G200 ZK-LGT. The weather was superb.
Overall a great experience.


Dear Members,

The AAC Committee had an urgent meeting last night to discuss progress on the CTAF/BOX Freq issue and the upcoming Nationals.
A decision on postponing the Nationals was put off until the 31st March with the hope that CASA will come through with an appropriate Approval by then. Paul Bennet and Steve Hudson have been, and will continue, to liaise closely with CASA on this issue.
So that you are fully informed the latest CASA advice is provided below:
Date: 9 March 2011 3:21:37 PM AEDT
To: Paul Bennet
Subject: Australian Aerobatic Club CTAF Operations [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

Hello Paul,

Further to our earlier conversation, I confirm we started the process for your request for CAR 166 and CAR 243 exemption back in August 2010.
CASA has spent considerable time looking for alternatives that would enable the Australian Aerobatic Club to be able to function on a separate frequency as it did prior to CASA's new legislation released in July 2010 regarding CTAF frequency monitoring (CAR 166).
The final decision was that the only way to process your request within CASA's legislation was to apply for a CAR 308 exemption from the Director of Aviation Safety, which may enable the Club to operate on a separate frequency from the CTAF during competition aerobatics.
I can confirm that the process was pushed as quickly as possible with the available resources from the CASA Bankstown Field Office, and no additional pressures from the Club would have expedited the application process.
Flying Operations Inspector Leonard Yates and I have been working closely together on the Clubs request in order to have an instrument issued prior to the National Championships scheduled for 22-25 April 2011.
Below is a summary and background to your request which will be reviewed by CASA's office of Legal Drafting.
Under paragraph 243 (1) of the Civil Aviation Regulations 1988, the pilot in command must maintain a listening watch, or must ensure that a listening watch is maintained, at all times.
In addition, under paragraph 166A (3) of the Civil Aviation Regulations 1988, the pilot in command of an aircraft that is operating in the vicinity of an aerodrome designated under subsection (1) must broadcast on, and monitor, the VHF frequency.
The Australian Aerobatic Club has been conducting aerobatic championships for the for several years and has only recently been affected by the changes to CAR 166 which require the pilot in command to continuously monitor and broadcast on the CTAF frequency when operating in the vicinity of a non-controlled aerodrome.
In the past, the Australian Aerobatic Club has managed the event by a licensed pilot monitoring the CTAF and communicating with the aerobatic aircraft on a discrete frequency; however, with the regulatory changes that took effect in July 2010 operations on a frequency other than the CTAF are non-compliant with the regulations.
The Australian Aerobatic Club has asked for an exemption to their pilots monitoring the CTAF frequency whilst competing in the competition inside the display box, with the intention to be on a discrete frequency during competition manoeuvres only, whilst maintaining CTAF communications at all other times. The event will be paused 15 minutes each side of any RPT arrival and departure.
Such an exemption under CAR 308 is a disallowable instrument and is subject to tabling and disallowance in the Parliament under sections 38 and 42 of the Legislative Instruments Act 2003. Officers of CASA with the delegation to issue this exemption are the Chief Executive Officer and the Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Operations.
CASA Bankstown recommends that an exemption be provided to the Australian Aerobatic Club to enable their competitors to operate as per previous events and that this request is expedited to ensure an instrument is approved prior to the 22nd April 2011.
We will make every effort to get your application and its risk assessment reviewed ASAP, however we can't guarantee it will be approved, nor can we guarantee it will be approved in time for the Nationals.
However, based on internal advice and previously issued instruments we are confident that the Club should receive notification of the Directors decision within the next few weeks.
I hope this provides some outline with respect to your application process for the Australian Aerobatic Club.
Dan Martin | Civil Aviation Safety Authority
Safe Skies For All
Dear Members,
Since my last email regarding the Nationals problem I've had several offers of assistance from Members who know people who know people etc. As a result, I am pleased to circulate the positive message below:
Hi Grant,
I have been assured by the ASAC Honorary Governor (Peter Lloyd) that the necessary paperwork, with respect to the radio exemption at Parkes has been expedited and expects to be on the CASA Directors desk shortly for signature. The advice is that you should be able to confidently plan to have the Nationals in April as originally intended.

best regards,

Ray Pearson
Executive Officer
Australian Sport Aviation Confederation

The Information and Entry forms for the 37th Australian Aerobatic Championships are now available for download on the AAC website.


2011 AGM Nominations

Nominations closed last Friday. I have received the following nominations for positions on the AAC Committee:
Position Nominee Proposer Seconder
President Grant Piper Matt Hall Richard Wiltshire
Honorary Treasurer Colin Appleton Grant Piper David Pilkington
Club Captain Mal Beard Tracy Hearne Liz Cook
Club Captain Paul Andronicou Guy Hanby Grant Piper
Member David Clemence Adam Dormer Grant Piper
Member Richard Wiltshire Richard Wiltshire Grant Piper
Member David Foord Grant Piper Simon Stone
Member Guy Hanby Paul Andronicou Grant Piper
Member Paul Andronicou Guy Hanby Grant Piper
Member Mal Beard Tracy Hearne Liz Cook
The only contested position is Club Captain requiring an election. Expect the ballot paper to be posted out shortly.



I have received quite a few ballot envelopes already, and will be passing them to the Returning Officer (when appointed). Unfortunately two envelopes were without a name and signature on the back. Please ensure you follow the voting instructions to the letter.


Sorry, no news yet.
Received from CIVA; If you happen to be in Latvia later in the year it may be worth a look.
The FAI Elite Aerobatics, Riga 2011, event will take place in Latvia from 17 - 22 August 2011, organised by Jurgis Kairys. The following pilots have so far been selected to participate:
Nominated by NACs:
France: Nicolas Ivanoff
Russia: Mikhail Mamistov
USA: Jeff Bourbon
UK: Gerald Cooper
Finland: Sami Kontio
Selected Based on Previous Performance at Elite Level:
Russia: Svetlana Kapanina
Spain: Ramon Alonso, Castor Fantoba
Czech: Martin Sonka
Arrival day for pilots will be 17th August. Departures not later than 22nd August (21st will be a reserve day or departures if not used for contest). Participation fees and prize money will be announced by the organiser soon. Top three pilots will receive CIVA medals.
Alan Cassidy
Vice President


Dear Members of the Australian Aerobatic Club,
I am looking forward to seeing you all at Parkes for the National Championships starting this Friday. I have finally received the CASA approval for our event.
You all need to bring your essential paperwork including your free sequence printed ready to go with a copy signed by a National Judge. You will also need to bring $65 per person for the presentation dinner which will be collected at the time of entry. We have to supply numbers on Thursday.
If anyone is intending to compete, that has not registered please do so by 5pm Thursday 21st of April. Do not arrive on Friday and expect to enter? On Thursday afternoon at 5pm there will be a civic reception at the Parkes Aeroclub with local Councilors and the Mayor Mr Ken Keith. It would be appreciated if you could attend.
Glen Percy will be the Chief Judge and Greg Mc Connel will be the Contest Director. If you have any questions or need some assistance please contact me on the below numbers and I will do my best to accommodate your requests.
I have ordered some excellent weather for Parkes for the next week.
See you all tomorrow and have a safe trip to Parkes.
Kind Regards,
Paul Bennet


37th Australian Aerobatic Championships

What a fine long weekend it was. Absolutely stupendous - I've never attended a comp with such benign weather! Unfortunately only a smallish field of 18 competitors, no doubt due to the uncertainty of approval. Never the less we had competitors from as far afield as WA and SA, as well as QLD, NSW and VIC. Several first-time competitors also, which is good to see.
Once again we were well hosted by the Parkes Aero Club ably led by Bill Barber, and the Parkes Council. The old clubhouse had even been painted and re-roofed in time for our arrival.
Official chores were handled by Glen Percy - CJ, Greg McConnell - CD, Stephen Hudson - Contest Registrar/Secretary and Dr Larry Jongbloed - Medical Director. Thanks must also go to Katrina Kruse, Richard Wiltshire, Paul Bennet, Yves and David Pilkington for making sure it all worked in your respective area of expertise. Thankyou all, and thanks to all the competitors, family and others who attended and made the event what it was.
Results were posted on the trial AAC website at and the Unknown sequences can be viewed on the old website
In summary, the winners in each category were:
Graduate - Sarin Witchayakul 74.33%
Sportsman - Ben Brazier 83.43%
Intermediate - Brad Mulcahy 77.27%
Advanced - Rob Noonan 67.85%
Unlimited - Paul Andronicou 63.99%
Highest Overall and Highest First Time Sportsman - Ben Brazier
Team Trophy - NSW (but protest lodged by VIC - you're dreamin'....)
Unlimited 4 min Freestyle - Paul Andronicou 78.02% (by only 1%)


Our AGM was held on Friday night, and was well atended, even by Mr Pilkington! Minutes will be posted on the website soon. Your new committee is:
President - Grant Piper (NSW)
Treasurer - Colin Appleton (NSW)
Club Captain - Paul Andronicou (VIC)
Committee Members - David Clemence (VIC), Guy Hanby (VIC), Mal Beard (QLD), David Foord (SA), Richard Wiltshire (NSW).
I look forward to working together productively for the Club. We will be having our first committee meeting next week and this Saturday I will be attending the Australian Sport Aviation Confederation mid-year meeting.


G'day folks, just a couple of things this week.

Queensland Chamionships

Received from Tracy:
Hello All
The long weekend in June brings around the Queensland State Titles so please accept this email as an invitation for all who want to compete or if you are in the area come along anyhow.
Queensland is fortunate to be a home base group at the Watts Bridge airfield with a fully functioning clubhouse (just completed) and a permanent box just off the end of the runway.
For more information, registration forms and to advise what days you will be there for catering and accommodation purposes please go to then click on State Titles in the header bar
Tracy Hearnebr /> PO Box 343, Gatton QLD 4343br /> Email: /> Mobile: 0419 715 332 | Fax: 07 3103 4505 | Skype: tracy.hearne

National Team Trophy

We are missing the Team points trophy. It was awarded to NSW in 2010 at parkes. If anyone knows its whereabouts could you please get in touch.


The new format website is taking shape under the stern guidance of David Pilkington and Steve Hudson, with the technical input by Mick Hughes.
'fast 'plane. slow brain'


Since my last update we've had a committee meeting and the following items were decided upon:

Committee Vacancy

The one Member position on the committee vacant after the AGM has been filled by Stephen Hudson, QLD Chapter President. Thanks Stephen.

2012 Competition Calendar

The Committee decided unanimously to change the timing of the 2012 Australian Aerobatic Championships to late October/early November 2012. Precise dates will be advertised later. Just two of the advantages will be a more coherent progression of events aligned with the northern hemisphere season, and more time/events prior to the Nationals for judges and pilots alike to become familiar with AAC or CIVA Rule changes. In practice this will mean a swap of dates between the NSW Championships and the Nationals. At last week's NSW Committee meeting this was agreed to. Expect a full calendar for the next 18 months to be up on the AAC website soon.

Social Membership

This matter was discussed at length as it is an oft-requested matter from members. No decision was made on how to implement a Social Membership option as yet, but we will have something in place for 2012.

Chapter Development

The Committee resolved to allocate some budget to assist development of the smaller Chapters. WA and SA have a keen core, exhibited by their willingness to travel east for competitions. The AAC will subsidise travel for two experienced competitors to attend and run judging/flying training weekends in each of these States. The aim being to get them self-sufficient in critiquing and judging so as to be able to run their own mini-comps and training days.

AAC Rules Update

We aim to have a brief 2011 amendment available soon, with a more complete re-write available for 2012.

QLD Championships 11-13th June

Do yourself a favour, escape the winter weather down south for the winter weather of SE QLD! Competition details are on the website. I'll see you there.


Many good news items this time!

Australian Team to the 26th World Aerobatic Championships!

I am pleased to announce that we are sending an Australian Team to the WAC this year. Earlier this week the Committee resolved to support Paul Andronicou and Richard Wiltshire at the WAC. The AAC will pay their entry fees, while they cover the rest of their costs. They will train using Paul's Extra 300S prior to departure, and have arranged hire of another 300S in Europe (only one serial number different actually!).
Having the current and the immediate past Australian Aerobatic Champion together on an Australian Team is about as good as we can get I should think. Both have extensive Extra hours while Richard also has prior European competition experience having participated in two AWACs previously. I'm sure we all wish them well and will follow their progress closely.

Club Patron

Matt Hall, former RBAR pilot and member of our Club, has accepted the Committee's offer to become a Patron of the AAC. A Patron's role is not well defined, however, I expect Matt will be able to raise our profile a little given his extensive media presence. Matt is keen to support the sport and have greater involvemeent in the future, which leads to...

MHR Young Pilot Achievement Award

This award will be made annually at the completion of the competition year. Young pilots flying Intermediate or below are eligible. The award will consist of a days one-on-one instruction with Matt, and one hour's dual in his Extra 300L. Exact criteria have not yet been defined, but it will be performance-based considering the past year's results, along with attitude, airmanship and application. So stop texting and go burn some avgas!

Onward and Upward!


Sorry for no news recently, seems like duties got in the way of commmunication! Lots going on:
1. I've fielded a few enquiries form keen aviators about how to get started and what aircraft do I need? Excellent!
2. The NSW Chapter had a training day last weekend down at Wollongong/Albion Park and plan more, at what sounds like a great location. Standby for dates.
3. The VIC Chapter has their regular monthly meeting at RVAC tomorrow night.
4. This weekend there is the QLD Championships at Watts Bridge.
5. The SA Chapter is organising a training weekend with a promising format for the 9-10 July. Local Committee Member Dave Foord is organising. Standby for further details.
So a lot of activity, which is good to see.

Social Membership

We had a Committee meeting last week and Social Membership was discussed. A decision was made for the AAC to formally recognise Chapter Social/Associate members as de facto members of the AAC. This will be written into the next edition of the AAC Rulebook. A central register of all members will be kept. We think this is the best way to recognise and utilise those who may not fly but wish to participate in AAC activities.

WAC Update

Finding an aeroplane to hire was the easy part. Getting Australian Pilot Licences validated or converted to permit flying a German registered aircraft in Italy is not so 'simple'! If anyone out there has relevant knowledge, now would be a good time to speak up...
If this gorilla can do it, any monkey can...


Airshow Act Goes Wrong!

Our best wishes go out to Phil Unicomb, a.k.a. the 'Member for Maitland', who has been injured in an accident at Barraba Airshow last weekend. I don't have all the details, but he was admitted to Tamworth Hospital afterwards and expected to be transferred to John Hunter Hospital in Newcastle. We hope his injuries are minor and recovery is quick. Read the article.

2012 Nationals

The Committee decided at the last meeting to hold the 2012 Australian Aerobatic Championships at Tocumwal 31 October - 4 November. The Victorian Chapter is keen to host the competition and develop the venue for future aerobatic use. Expressions of interest will be called for other Chapters to hold the event with the 2013 venue being announced at the 2012 Nationals.


We will publish a full calendar on the website soon, but at this stage we have:
2011 NSW Champs - Oct 28-31
2012 Vic Champs - Feb/March (TBC)
2012 NSW Champs - April 26-29 (TBC)
2012 QLD Champs - June 8-11
2012 Oz Nats - Oct 31-Nov 4.
In addition there is the upcoming SA Training weekend, and scheduled NSW training days at Albion Park, as well as the QLD scheduled weekends.

Queensland Championships

I darted up and back to QLD for their competition. A much larger field than in recent years with 18 competitors: 2 Unl, 6 Adv, 3 Int and 7 Sportsman. Weather played havoc with the planned schedule with 1.5 days lost. Nevertheless sufficient flights got done in each category for a result. Partial results are up on the AAC website now, full details should be posted soon. Well done QLD, and it bodes well for the sport with such a good field.


Found the French Air Force 'Equipe de Voltige' website last week, and by using google translate could even read the text, which was useful, unlike on most other French 'sites I've visited.....anyway it's worth a look:


Yes, yes, the AAC now has a FB page. So go do whatever you do with such things! Seriously, I think it will be very useful for disseminating info to members and others interested in the sport. Thanks Dan and DP.


What's the Plan, Stan??

I've had a few enquiries about where the new (2011/12) Known sequences are for Graduate, Sportsman and Intermediate grades. I've talked this through with many people, so sort of assumed everyone knew of our plans. Obviously not, as I've been reminded, so this is as good a time as any to describe the new annual workcycle and other changes we are making to the Club. A bit longer than usual, sorry. I'll re-post it on the blog also.
The annual programme is the first item to tackle.
A Cohesive Competition Season is the aim, so the new competition season will run as follows:
Feb/Mar - Victorian Championships
April - NSW Championships
June - QLD Championships
Sep - SA Championships
Oct/Nov - Australian Championships


Because people tend to think and plan in calendar years. Think New Year's Resolutions etc. With a competition season that starts in Jan/Feb with the Vic Champs and finishes in Oct/Nov with the Nationals, our season is well defined annually and something members can commit to for each year.
Skills can be refined through the competition year with the objective of peaking for the Nationals. This applies to both pilots and ground staff. This altered season also ties in nicely with the international schedule. After our Nationals an Australian Team will have 8 months to train, organise a coach, sponsorship, find or ship aircraft etc. prior to the relevant World Championships.


The CIVA rules are amended at the end of the year.We (the AAC) also usually amend our rules at this time. So now we will have a series of State Championships to learn, apply, and bed-down any new changes before the Nationals. This will remove a lot of the pressure of getting judges up to speed with recent changes and having the Nationals bearing down on us. (Note: we are currently doing a major revision of the AACRegulations for release in 2012, until then 2010 Regs will be used with Supplementary Rules as appropriate).


CIVA issues the new 'Q' sequences at the same time as the amended rules, for Advanced and Unlimited. We can now do the same - Known sequences will come out with the amended AACRules, and we'll fly the same sequences all through the calendar year.Also, to eliminate committee time spent on Known sequence discussions, and to negate accusations of bracket-creep (either up or down), we will rotate Knowns from a pool of past-flown sequences. (Note: We will continue to fly 2010 Knowns for the rest of this year).

Other Embellishments

Presentation Dinner:

This will be held after the Nationals, as usual, and can now be a celebration of the whole competition year. The Australian Team can be announced, the location of the next Nationals, and of course the hardware handed out. A true occasion.


To record the year's activities an annual yearbook-style magazine can be produced.Complete results for all the domestic competitions as well as Team results from overseas, along with articles and pictures, to serve as a historical document of the Club's activities. Publish it at the start of the year, in conjuction with the Showcase - see below.

Public Showcase:

Competition aerobatics lacks public exposure - fact. Many beers have been drunk while discussing this topic. I don't think it can be changed, and don't think it needs to. Maybe I'll write my views on this later. For now though, let's envisage a day where we showcase the Australian Aerobatic Team to the public, media and potential sponsors (when - Australia Day?). An Australian Team going to a World Championship hopefully has some pull and we can use it to fundraise and gain a little exposure, that we can then leverage into a little sponsorship.

Annual General Meeting:

Traditionally has been held at Easter prior to the Nationals, and should be held within 3 months of the end of our financial year (Dec 31). I suggest it now be held along with the Showcase. Get the new Committee on deck early in the year so they have time to plan following events, particularly the Nationals.
That's it for now.


It is with great pleasure that I inform you that David Pilkington, AAC 128, has been awarded a Paul Dissandier Diploma by the FAI. A well-deserved recognition of years of active involvement. Congratulations David.
The full text of the message is reproduced below
Dear FAI Members,
It gives me great pleasure to advise you of the results of the FAI Vice Presidents' decisions on FAI awards for achievements up to the end of 2010.
In cases where there were several nominations, the following decisions were made:
The FAI Vice-Presidents decided to award the FAI Gold Air Medal to David Hempleman-Adams (GBR)
The FAI Vice-Presidents decided to award the Sabiha Gokcen Medal to Svetlana Klenina (RUS)
The FAI Vice-Presidents decided to award Outstanding Airmanship Diplomas to Daniel Aufdenblatten / Richard Lehner (SUI) and Jade Schiewe / Zachary Pfaff (USA)
All the other nominations were approved by the FAI Vice Presidents.
The full list of FAI awards to be presented at the forthcoming FAI General Conference in Belgrade (Serbia) is attached. We invite you (to FAI Members) to make arrangements for award-winners to receive their awards.
We have no means of communicating directly with these FAI award-winners. It is therefore very important that you notify them that they have received a FAI honour, and that you invite them to receive the award in Ireland. Thank you for giving this a high priority.
If you see any errors in the list of award-winners, please inform us promptly.
Thank you in advance.
-- Best Regards. *Mr. Jerome Krieg on behalf of Mrs. Segolene ROUILLON* Members & Services Manager


I dashed down to Tocumwal last week to check in on training. Rain on Wednesday curtailed ops and we all leave in a few days. I made some notes on the blog page, and will blog from the WAC there, and Rob Noonan and Dan Comarmond will update to the AAC website and FB page, respectively. Thanks guys.
Links to some video are available on the blog post.



What an experience it was! For those who weren't following the blog, Richard finished 41st and Paul 35th out of 47 competitors. Both flew soundly in their Q and Free with scores in the mid-sixties. The damage was done in the 1st Unknown, where Richard had a zero and a break while Paul got around but only with a relatively low score. Thus, they didn't get to fly the 2nd Unknown. The overall result might not sound too flash, but given it was our first WAC in 11 years I see it as a solid start. We learnt a lot, which I will write about later in the blog for all to read. Future competitors will benefit from this experience, both when competing here or overseas.

NSW Training

1-2 October at Wollongong, not far out from the NSW Champs, so get along and get some practice. And check out the AAC website for all projected events for later in the year and 2012, under 'Events'. I'll update it over the next few days, and add events or make changes as they happen. If other Chapter managers could update their events at the same place that would be great for overall visibility.

NSW Championships

To be held at Temora October 28-31. The entry paperwork will be posted on the website soon. CASA approvals are in place already and the airfield will be available for practice the week prior. However, if planning to do so CD approval and a briefing is required beforehand. Contact myself or Reggae.

2012 AWAC

I heard rumours while in Italy that four proposals were in to host the 2012 AWAC, one possibly from South Africa. CIVA will make a decision later in the year. The AAC could field a solid team for this if there is sufficient interest. I have a good lead on an aircraft in Europe if it is held there. My rough calculations show a cost of about $7k each for a squad of 6 to do an AWAC (including coaching). Airfares and flying costs here before departure not included.


NSW Championships

The NSW comp is rushing up at the end of the month, 28-31 October at Temora. The entry forms are on the AAC website under Events tab. The CASA permission we have is applicable from Monday 17th for those who wish to practice there in advance of the comp. If you plan to do this, please contact me or Reggae Darley-Jones in advance for a brief.
Jodie Davis and Jeremy Miller are arranging a Super Decathlon to be available at Temora and are canvassing interest. If you want to share this aircraft at the comp contact Jodie at (via FaceBook, 0414922785 or ASAP. Thanks Jodie.

USA Championships

The US Champs have been run finishing last weekend. Rob Holland continued his form from the WAC and won Unlimited. For all the gouge see

AAC Frequency

The AAC now has an approved dedicated frequency for use when training or at competitions, 125.05MHz. Thanks to Richard Wiltshire for doing the legwork on this, it is long overdue. Remember though that if operating at an airfield the requirements of CASA EX49/11 still apply. Contact me if you have questions on this.

AAC Frequency Correction

The dedicated AAC frequency is 125.05 (NOT 126.05).

WAC Lessons Learned

I've posted a list of things we learnt from the WAC on the blogpage. Check it out.

NSW Championships

Not far away now, get those entries in early please so we know what we're looking at. Jodie is still keen to hear from those that want to share a Decathlon.


At the last committee meeting we decided to shelve the Showcase day for 2012 due to lack of time. However, we are still keen to have one in 2013. If any members get a buzz out of PR, Event Promotion and Management, this would make a good project to pad out your CV. Please contact me to discuss the possibilities.


The NSW Championships are on this coming weekend - please let Kay know if you are attending please so we can plan. Details are on the website.
The CIVA President, Mike Heuer has posted a new report here.
Worth a read I think, a good wrap of where the sport is right now. Check out this link for access to the full contest files of recent international competitions.


2011 NSW Championships

A great weekend at Temora 28-31 Oct, the forecast weather held off and we got a full programme flown by Sunday night. 18 competitors, including three first-timers: Peter George (Sportsman, Yak-52), Adrian van der Sluys (Sportsman, Pitts S1T) and Jodie Davis (Graduate, Decathlon). Welcome all and well done.
Many thanks to the NSW Committee who did the legwork prior to the comp, and then filled many of the jobs on the weekend. With the assistance of Paul Andronicou from Vic as CJ and Rob Noonan (media/web/photgrapher), I have not seen a better qualified line up running a contest. Thanks all. Check out the website for results (note the new look and finctionality!)

Matt Hall Racing Scholarship

At Temora we announced the recipient of the inaugural MHR Scholarship. It couldn't have gone to a better bloke - Ben Brazier. He has flown well at every event and has logged more frequent flyer points getting to them than anyone. Well deserved and well done Ben, I'm sure you will utilise the knowledge gained well.
On that note, I'd like to publicly wish Matt a speedy recovery after back surgery. He is at home, sore, but doing OK. He is hobbling about, however, the zimmer frame has a very low VNE, which Matt has only exceeded a couple of times...


Whether you like it or not, the AAC has a Facebook page. Do a search and you'll see it. Very useful for advertising events, providing timely updates during contests and reaching out to enthusiasts who are interested in aviation and our sport. Thanks to Dan Comarmond for managing it for us.

Getting Out There

Raising the public awareness of our sport is probably not a core activity for the Club. That said, I think some profile is important to attract members and non-flying enthusiasts. To that end I appointed Rob Noonan AAC Media liaison. He was active during the WAC issuing press releases and speaking to journalists. At Temora he was interviewed by Prime Television - you can see the story below, thanks Rob.
Plane Crazy Down Under also did an episode on aerobatics, with the assistance of Anthony Crichton-Brown and myself. PCDU do a great job of reporting on aviation in Australia and have some good listening in their archives. Check out episode 75 for our contribution
We also have an article going into the next AOPA Pilot magazine written by Kathy Mexted. She has written for us in the past and has done another fine job. Keep an eye out for it at newstands or in the mail (by the way, the AAC is an Affiliate Member of AOPA).
Finally, I have submitted an article to Australian Flying, and this should be out around Xmas or New Year. Again, have a look for it

2012 AAC AGM

The 2012 AAC AGM will be held in conjuction with the 2012 Victorian Champs at Tocumwal. Further information will be circulated as the time approaches.


The annual CIVA meeting is/was being held in Krakow over the weekend. Some interesting proposals were being considered, along with competition locations and Q sequences. I don't have all the decisions yet, but the Advanced Q is option 'D'. Also, the 2012 WAAC (=AWAC) will be in Hungary Jul 26 - Aug 5 and the 2013 WAC in the USA (Las Vegas) Oct9-20 2013. That should make some people happy!

CIVA have made significant changes to the Aresti catalogue for 2012. CIVA catalogue sub committee member, Brian Howard, has kindly provided the explanation below. Clearly these changes will affect Advanced/Unlimited pilots and this will flow on to the other categories as the AAC rules are updated.
To the greatest extent possible the new numbering system adheres to a logical assignment of Sub-Family numbers, exactly as Family 9 has always used. When looking up the new Catalogue number for an existing figure one only has to look at the defining characteristics of the figure in question to determine it's Sub-Family number.
Once you have the Sub-Family number, finding the specific figure is easy (as in previous Catalogues, for Families 1, 3, 7, and 8, columns 1 and 2 are figures which start up and columns 3 and 4 are figures which start down; columns 1 and 3 start positive, and columns 2 and 4 start negative).
The logic behind the Sub-Families in each Aresti family is as follows:

Family 1

The figures of Family 1 are assigned to Sub-Families based on the number of internal lines within the figure. Thus Sub-Family 1.1. will have a single line, 1.2 will have two lines and so on. For example, if you have a figure "N" in your Free, you'd go straight to Sub-Family 1.3 (three internal lines) to find the new number.

Family 2

The turns and rolling turns are grouped in Sub-Families based on the extent of the turn involved. 90° turns are Sub-Family 2.1, up to full 360° turns which are in Sub-Family 2.4.

Family 3

Figures in Family 3 are defined by the number of corners within the figure.

Families 5 and 6

Stall Turns and Tail Slides are grouped into sub-families according to the number of internal lines. Basic Hammerheads, though drawn with a single line, really have one vertical up line and one vertical down line, thus are assigned to Sub-Family 5.2. The 45-Hammers are either 5.3 or 5.4 depending on the number of 45-degree lines added to the two vertical lines. All Tail Slides have two vertical lines and are grouped as Sub-Family 6.2.

Family 7

Half loops are Sub-Family 7.2.x.x., full loops Sub-Family 7.4.x.x. and so on. Family 7.5.x.x. include Horizontal and Vertical "S"s; Sub-Family 7.6.x.x. contain figures with a 3/4 looping segment (6/8 loops); Family 7.8.x.x. contain both Horizontal and Vertical "8"s.

Family 8

Figures in Family 8 are grouped into logical sub-families according to the extent of the major internal looping segment each contains, in 1/8 loop multiples. Thus, Family 8 starts with 8.4.x.x. for Humpty Bumps which have an internal segment of 4/8ths. Next are figures in 8.5.x.x. with internal segments of 5/8ths, such as Half-Cubans and the vertical "keyhole" shapes. 8.6.x.x. contains P-Loops etc with a 6/8ths segment; 8.7.x.x. "Q" Loops with a 7/8ths segment and so on.

Family 9

Family 9 is unchanged from the previous Catalogues. Hopefully this explanation helps everyone quickly find the new Catalogue numbers for figures in your current Free. However, don't forget to take a look at all the new figures added to the Catalogue for 2012. You may want to do more to your 2012 Free than just change the Catalogue numbers!
For full details go to CIVA catalogue revisions 2012.
To purchase Aresti 2012 software, or easily update your existing version go to Freestyle Aviation.

so endeth 2011!