Sunday, July 24, 2011

Some Thoughts

Since taking the reins of the AAC the new Committee has decided on many things that will alter the way we do things. You may ask, 'what is their motivation?'

Our simple objective is to increase the participation rate in the Club, and grow the sport of aerobatics in this country. To this end we must keep trying to remove impediments to people joining the Club and being active. Along with attracting new members, we must make participating in Club activities a desirable thing for people to do. Only through increasing the membership and the participation rate of all members can we hope to address the recurring issue of lack of Judges and skilled ground staff at Club events. Chugging along as we have been doing won’t change things, no matter what we write in the rulebook. Same as ‘doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result’ story.

I am also fully aware that the Club runs on volunteer labour. You can’t demand things, and people only have so much spare time and energy they can contribute to the Club. Eventually everyone’s enthusiasm wanes and/or other activities in their life take priority. This is normal and nothing to be ashamed of – life happens whether you are ready or not.

Therefore, as a Club, we must utilise people effectively while they are enthused, and value their contribution. Simply, we must be efficient in how we employ people so that goals are achieved while the enthusiasm lasts. If people feel they have achieved something, then they are more likely to stay involved longer. If we burn people out and squander their enthusiasm without any gain, then they leave deflated and with no sense of accomplishment or reward. To be efficient we must simplify some things, shorten the process, spread the load, so that the objective is reached with VFR reserves still in the tank.

Everything we do I test against that objective - enthuse people, increase participation, remove impediments, simplify, progress.

So, the secret is out. World domination didn't make the final list (maybe next year....)

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